ACTION: create inclusive Valentine’s Day cards

Flowers, chocolate, candy hearts, teddy bears, candles, and
celebrations of love: Valentine’s Day (February 14) has long been
observed as a time to let your feelings shine. For LGBTQ people, it
can also be a perfect time to remind relatives, friends, neighbors,
teachers, peers, co-workers, and others that love is what makes a

Too often, the LGBTQ population goes unnoticed during Valentine’s
Day. This year, Family Pride challenges you to make your voice
heard in a way that’s creative and fun. Spend time together and be
visible by making inclusive Valentine’s Day cards with your family
to give to people in your community.

Here are some ideas to help your family create your cards:

  • Love makes a family!
  • Happy Valentine’s Day from our family to yours.
  • Love. Justice. Family. Equality.

Research shows that potential allies are most likely to support
LGBTQ equality once they know three or more LGBTQ people
personally. Use your imagination and come up with your own way to
show how you and your family celebrate love.